Obsess in a sentence as a verb

If we don't obsess about how things work, who will?

Can we not obsess about this like reddit is doing?

One says :Too many people obsess about backends.

So yes, artists also obsess over their tools just like we do over ours.

Masters of art obsess over the artwork itself, not the tools used to create it.

> I don't understand this obsession with how this site worksIsn't this hacker news?

I continue to be haunted by something a good artist friend used to say: "Don't obsess over your tools.

Imagine that you constantly obsess on what it was you did so wrong, and what you might have done differently.

They love it, they suck it all up, they obsess over the minutiae of how to implement scrum, retrospectives, and sprints.

It's easy to pick extreme examples to make it seems like designer obsess over unimportant details.

It shows how powerful the right metaphor can be in understanding something, which is something we obsess over at Dev Bootcamp when teaching students.

But we shouldn't obsess exclusively on progress while ignoring the people who are born without access to health care and schools let alone access to the cool new technology we build.

When I started, I set the rule for myself: I wouldn't be bound by deadlines or obsess over the "right" way to do things, I'd only care that every time I had some free time, I'd make a little progress on it.

Imagine that you can't think of anything else at all no matter how hard you try, and these obsessive thoughts just spin in your head over and over and over and over and over and over again with no relief.

I'm kind of bored of the continued notion that Apple was the first consumer electronics company to obsess over industrial design, build quality, or retail presentation.

He's saying you shouldn't obsess over the "small efficiencies," the time-consuming rewrites of every little, rarely-called function to shave off 5% of execution time.

If you don't obsess over all those details, if you think it's OK to concentrate on the "important" parts and continue to ignore the other umpteen dozen tiny little ways your product annoys the people who use it on a daily basis you're not creating great software.

Obsess definitions


haunt like a ghost; pursue; "Fear of illness haunts her"

See also: haunt ghost


be preoccupied with something; "She is obsessing over her weight"