Metaphor in a sentence as a noun

Nolan is presenting a metaphor of life itself as a Penrose staircase, and portraying faith as the way out.

Documents on a desktop is an outgrown metaphor that just nobody seems to have the courage to jettison.

"I imagine 99% of the time that metaphor is made the author would be just as happy saying "JS is the new C", it simply doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

It is a metaphor used to explain different psychological states.

The poor quality interface and software design is a perfect metaphor for the developer behind it.

I fear that this is one of those "I've heard someone make a metaphor and taken it too literally, then rebutted that literalism broadly.

If you wanted a bicycle metaphor, apple has invented a wonderful carbon fibre bicycle that everybody wants.

I'm not making a value judgement in either direction there--I feel that poetry is a good metaphor, because things in Scala tend to fall apart in the reading department.

Metaphor definitions


a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity