Objector in a sentence as a noun

I suspect more people would become conscientious objectors if that message was stronger.

If drafted, they declare themselves to be a conscientious objector.

Based on what he saw, after long introspection, he applied for conscientious objector status.

They sent him to to the stockade and he set himself up as the go-to person for helping people apply for conscientious objector status.

I used to be a submarine officer in the Navy, but I was discharged 2 years ago as a conscientious objector [1].

I used to be a nuclear submarine officer, but left the US Navy as a complete pacifist and conscientious objector.

"Conscientious objector: "I'm not going to work hard for my company, 'cause they're at best neutral and at worst actively harming humanity.

He returned to file for conscientious objector status only to discover he had been promoted to First Lieutenant.

And if you think his "legitimacy" as a "conscientious objector" has any bearing whatsoever, then the thrust of the entire revelation has been lost on you.

Objector definitions


a person who dissents from some established policy

See also: dissenter dissident protester contestant