Obituary in a sentence as a noun

Ink has been devoted to what it takes to be worthy of a New York Times obituary.

It must be terrible to wade through the one obituary on the front page to get to the stuff you want to read.

But then I wonder: where did the NYT obituary author get this information?

It may be wise to change the title to use the full word "obituary," instead of something that might be read as "orbit.

"The gentleman passed away a few years ago and, sure enough, that was quite prominent in his obituary.

The OP in this thread fixed by taking the very compelling first line "I feel like Im living the first line of my obituary.

The reason we're reading this particular obituary at all is because we want to know more about the person.

I'm wondering how they pulled it off, though - did they have the copy for an obituary filed away, and pulled it out and edited when the news broke?

Also, if your obituary is simultaneously all 25 top stories on HN.

Are they morbid too?The obituary writer is free to write it any way he wants, but you seem to be arguing that it's wrong to include the cause of death.

Thanks to a curious Google search four days ago, I just found the obituary for my father, who died after a long battle with cancer ... three years ago.

Sometimes I will cite a New York Times obituary for an article, because it contains a bunch of facts about a person conveniently collated.

One of the worst comments I ever made was in reply to a long-time HN'er who was basically asking "Why are you loading up my HN feed with this useless obituary ****?

Seems like every winter I hear the obituary on the news of people who go off the road and try to hoof it somewhere miles away in a normal winter jacket, jeans, and boots.

His sympathy was immediate, and separately from that, an obituary or other certificate would set the incomplete/rescheduling machinery in motion.

But our relatively brief, pre-Reddit friendship ended years ago because I couldn't take his sometimes relentless negativity something Cory Doctorow hinted at in the obituary he wrote for Aaron.

Obituary definitions


a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography

See also: obit necrology