Nucleotide in a sentence as a noun

People with that extra nucleotide would be seen as geniuses.

[1] Nuclear incineration of even low level waste can effectively convert anything that was once radioactive into short lived nucleotide.

Average coverage of any individual nucleotide is usually 30-50x.

You can have an incredibly high degree of nucleotide/amino acid substitution between two proteins with the same structure, function and evolutionary history, but current methods of detecting these relationships still largely rely on sequence comparison alone.

For example, a modestly sized genome-wide study of the general intelligence factor derived from ten separate test scores in the cAnTAB cognitive test battery did not find any important genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms or copy number variants, and did not replicate genetic variants that had previously been associated with cognitive ability.

For example, a modestly sized genome-wide study of the general intelligence factor derived from ten separate test scores in the cAnTAB cognitive test battery did not find any important genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms or copy number variants, and did not replicate genetic variants that had previously been associated with cognitive ability[note 48].

Nucleotide definitions


a phosphoric ester of a nucleoside; the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA)

See also: base