Novella in a sentence as a noun

The scope of Elite was so impressive - and the novella that came with it added so much to how big the universe felt.

He's not written a full length novel yet but his short stories and novellas are mind blowing, best stuff I're read since early Egan.

This reminds me of the novella "Manna":> He looked at me for a long time, "A computer is telling you what to do on the job?

It kind of sounds like the sort of move you'd read about in a novella about power struggles... makes me think the board members in question here are plotting something, not simply trying to give the new CEO "breathing room".

I wrote The Kubic Kat as a standalone SciFi novella, and decide that it would be best to give this way free, in the hope that it would garner traffic to my start-up website, and interest in escaping surveillance.

I would hope a credible journalist could approach someone like an investor, politician, think tank, startup, etc., and offer to write a novella-length article on something relevant to their business.

Novella definitions


a short novel

See also: novelette