Norm in a sentence as a noun

Two and three year project queues are the norm.

Today trials are not the norm, plea bargains are the norm.

Linux is the norm in large data center applications.

But I want us to be better than this; I don't want this to be the norm for discussion in this community.

Yet the adversarial process, when handled skillfully, tends to ferret out the truth and judges and juries do normally want to try to do right.

Many of these instructions are branches – and inherently unpredictable ones at that, which means that pipeline stalls will be normal.

It's the massive infant and child mortality - the norm everywhere before the 20th century - that drags down average life expectancies at birth.

It may even exasperate them, as it falsely implies that the problem is with individual overstepping prosecutors rather than a system in which it's the norm.

What is unusual here - and what so seriously increased the risk to this startup even much more than the norm - is the unusually blatant way in which Best Buy connived to steal the trade secrets.

Contrary to the conventional wisdom, which suggests that doctors in the 1840s were sticking horse-manure-covered hands into the exposed wounds of patients, handwashing was apparently already a norm.

Any deviation from that norm is "bias".Keeping identifying information in a centralized location that is subject to subpoena by law enforcement is a norm now, too, one that has serious social consequences.

Norm definitions


a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical; "the current middle-class norm of two children per family"


a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes"

See also: average