Nonplussed in a sentence as an adjective

If they had given me swag they give away for free I would have been nonplussed.

Just an FYI - you're using the word "nonplussed" incorrectly.

Please forgive my bile - I was a little nonplussed with Mongo, and now I have to use it for a client. Now I'm a lot nonplussed.

>The GM executives were nonplussed." If it's free, why don't you just swap the car instead of the battery?"

As a member of the public, I am left nonplussed. I can't help but wonder if this whole fiasco was, at it's core, a clash of personalities.

She was understandably nonplussed by this discussion. Fast-forward a few weeks and I managed to come back down from the ledge.

I brought this up with a couple Facebook PMs last week; they seemed nonplussed. One of them brought up the fact that the average user has fewer than 150 friends; he gently suggested that I was an edge case.

If youre using an iPad or a Galaxy Note we need to give you a long, hard, nonplussed stare and think about supporting IOS and Android at some point." Comedy gold!

OP here, nonplussed that his obscure blog suddenly is near the top of Hacker News. First, I don't think that corporations are nothing but parasites, and said as much in the article.

Nathan is nonplussed, so Hortense rewrites it in Java and rolls her own DI infrastructure. Will the result really have fewer things that Nathan doesnt understand?

Personally I was completely nonplussed by the various delays because of how transparent they were. Then the black watches shipped out and the color backers were forgotten.

I'm nonplussed at how often pg sums up my own views. One cause is that the books I read about startups are based on SV stories - while pg talks to the people who actually did them, batches of startups who are currently doing them, and he's in the story himself.

I continued to be amazed and nonplussed that a community could do so well and know so many technologies so fluently when I took so long to learn them. And now that I've met a bunch of Rails people in person and am considered a Rails guru by two consecutive companies, I'll tell you that yeah, it's mostly hype.

I feel a bit churlish, but this kind of thing always leaves me nonplussed. jQuery and Javascript have excellent references, and I have a hard time understanding how anyone really learns any technical topic without working with the technology and exploring the reference.

That particular situation doesn't happen nearly so much with information, unless you count being nonplussed when you hear someone say something that you've already thought about. The central problem of addiction is also only incompletely transferred over.

If Robert Mugabe showed up on the Dropbox board of directors, I imagine a great many people would be nonplussed and Dropbox would have undergo a trial by public that would not end well. A great many people would argue that given Rice's track record as a public servant, her personal and professional proclivities, while certainly more nuanced and less egregious than Mugabe, are not great when considering where you should store your data.

If I seem nonplussed by the affair, it's not because of any kinship with the Republicans, but because I'd personally like to see our government be less efficient, as I suspect very heavily that is what our founders would prefer. A slow moving government is in the best interests of liberty, and I'd much rather see bills take far longer to hash out than to have trillions of dollars in spending or taxes approved with an uncontested procedural vote.

Proper Noun Examples for Nonplussed

I could make an equally reductionist point about the acceptance of non-standard usage based on the fact two definitions of "nonplussed" are opposites. Nonplussed means not nonplussed.

Nonplussed is also used to mean "uninspired" or "unimpressed" - like when something is perhaps a little out of the ordinary [there is an expectation that it will have an impact one way or another] but still doesn't really have an effect on; almost exclusively in the phrase "I was pretty nonplussed by it all" or a close analogue of that. Certainly this is the usage I've heard and used for the last 20 years or so.

Nonplussed definitions


filled with bewilderment; "at a loss to understand those remarks"; "puzzled that she left without saying goodbye"

See also: nonplused puzzled