Nonplused in a sentence as an adjective

The number of times I have been nonplused by a new fortress failure is amazing. Those crazy dwarves keep finding new ways to destroy themselves.

Not to be overly nit-picky but I think you're using 'nonplused' to mean the opposite of what it does. The word means to be bewildered or at a loss for words, in this context you seem to be saying that Steve Jobs would be 'unfazed' or 'unimpressed'

If you showed that 1985 Steve Jobs an iPhone, I don't know if he would be impressed or be nonplused and see it as some obvious progression that he's had in mind for a long time.

Nonplused definitions


filled with bewilderment; "at a loss to understand those remarks"; "puzzled that she left without saying goodbye"

See also: nonplussed puzzled