Nomenclature in a sentence as a noun

I'm the author... just wanted to point out that it's stereotypes for the sake of nomenclature.

Plus they will tend to use quirky nomenclature that was not necessarily settled on later.

"Rocket name"-heavy is standard aerospace nomenclature for uprated rockets, derived from such launch systems being described as "heavy lift" rockets.

The whole point of design patterns should be that we could just name them for people to "get" it, rather than having to reinvent new ways of naming things and having everyone relearn the nomenclature.

While I do think there is a difference in emphasis between stats and machine learning, the fundamentals are same, except the nomenclature sounds much cooler in machine learning.

"Alphabetic confectionary nomenclature" is a fantastic phrase, and I regret that I will have great difficulty finding another use for it.

That is assuming google follows the alphabetic confectionary nomenclature.

When you release something to the public, for public consumption, then you must understand that someone is eventually going to fork it up and assign it a different nomenclature, sometimes even a nomenclature that you may not like.

Nomenclature definitions


a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline; "legal terminology"; "biological nomenclature"; "the language of sociology"

See also: terminology language