Noetic in a sentence as an adjective

From the Institute of noetic science - big in psychic research apparently.

At the very least reading stuff like that helps one to develop a more noetic understanding of the history of thought.

To install ros on my system I just need to execute pacaur -S ros-noetic-desktop-full In this case it will indeed compile the package with cmake.

This 'noetic quality' refers to the perception that a psychedelic trip feels like 'total reality'; a series of 'revealed truths' rather than drug-induced illusions.

The hope is that the 'noetic quality' of psychedelic trips--a term coined by William James in the context of religious experiences--can help pierce through the defences of one's ego.

I'd say the secret to self-actualization is having a noetic understanding of the fact that others are simultaneously far more similar to us and far more different from us than we can ever fully realize.

Noetic definitions


of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"

See also: intellectual rational