Nibble in a sentence as a noun

Once you've settled on a price, call the other guy's bluff if he tries to nibble you once you appear to have a deal already done.

If you just habitually nibble on food that is in front of you until it's gone, recognize that and don't put food infront of you.

The nibble technique reminds me of how clients drive freelance web developers insane.

That said, mindshare is easier to get, and if you can convince people that your stuff is cool, you can start to slowly nibble away at the western markets.

Subsidies making 90% the up-front cost risk-free there has been even a nibble of interest from free market investors.

Nibble in a sentence as a verb

In many markets, there are great opportunities to nibble around the edges of the larger companies.

They've just got too much leverage in the space, and no way is anyone stupid enough to watch these scamps nibble away at the market that they'd eclipsed already".Yeah.

I may set out to do otherwise, and I'll even manage to avoid it in my first pass, but in the ensuing conversation over lunch I'll gradually nibble at the remains until everything is gone.

These are all laudable improvements but nibble around the margins... if Obamacare had cost insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, big pharma, or lawyers a penny it would never have passed.

I started approaching every nibble with desperation and likely underperformed on multiple interviews due to the self-imposed pressure to get them right so I could get out of my miserable situation.

Nibble definitions


a small byte

See also: nybble


gentle biting


bite off very small pieces; "She nibbled on her cracker"


bite gently; "The woman tenderly nibbled at her baby's ear"


eat intermittently; take small bites of; "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"; "She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"

See also: pick piece