Newbie in a sentence as a noun

As a newbie, you're explaining basic shell constructs as if I don't know, then trying to sum up strings in a one liner.

One lesson I learned this year as a newbie consultant: there is a heck of a lot of dynamic range in that top bucket.

In fact, go look at your supposedly better last line of code and tell me if you think a newbie would even begin to comprehend that?

So for the newbie it's most likely easy to assume that's how things are done around here and that's how you prove your intelligence/expertise.

The most immediate consequence, for a newbie, is that Go feels a lot easier to learn, while Clojure is more mind-expanding and abstract.

In case anyone misses my other reply to this troll, her initial commit[0] was the default Rails app, which most any newbie can get up on GitHub in a single day.

Stackoverflow is mostly kind to newbie questions; Serverfault however however seems to be moderated by a bunch of stuck up assholes.

I'm seeing a lot of comments here along the lines of "this is just a problem Java newbies would have and this Tim Bray guy, whoever he is, doesn't want to take the time to learn the tools."Well.

If you share it with everyone from managers to newbie graduates your context will be different than if you just share it with people you consider to be at the same level as you.

While Python is not the most interesting language to me anymore, it still sets the standard in clear, comprehensive, newbie-friendly documentation.

If you really want to share the wealth and let newbie developers read your source, blog about it or submit it to Github - then you can include explanation of your design and make it far easier for them to get the interesting bits.

I had a newbie question when I was setting up some dedicated servers for the first time: my newbie question, about networking/nas etc, got shutdown with bunch of snarky comment on the line of "hire a trained experienced networking guru".

This paragraph encapsulates it pretty nicely:"In the financial press you're called a "rogue trader" if you're some overperspired 28 year-old newbie who bypasses internal audits and quality control to make a disastrous trade that could sink the company.

Newbie definitions


any new participant in some activity

See also: newcomer fledgling fledgeling starter neophyte freshman entrant