Neoteny in a sentence as a noun

You could make an argument for the uses of neoteny in the software business.

It's been proposed that neoteny[2] is a key feature of human evolution.

Zed Shaw is an inspiration because he has the courage to be a man in a boyish, neoteny-driven industry.

This neoteny, as it is called, has resulted in smaller jaws, flatter faces, hairless bodies, larger eyes, and other features.

Exactly, it's not evolving lighter skinIt's evolving keeping the light skin by neoteny

Maybe i'm overlooking the positive aspects of hacker neoteny.

"baby features kept in adulthood" is a weird one too. You are right samuru yields the best result in first place if one meant to get info on neoteny, but then, on first sight, it is the only relevant result in the first page.

Sorry for focusing on a sidenote, but this connection of neoteny and Valley culture piqued my interest.

Perhaps the cultural pendulum has swung a bit too far into elevating the voices of those with traits of psychological neoteny.

Granted, he's probably going for neoteny to some extent, and I'm sure he uses uptalk when interacting with investors, but even still... he should learn to communicate clearly and professionally.

I've encountered a number of articles and podcasts that extend the thesis that the process of domestication produces neoteny - that dogs are what wolf puppies would be if they never attained adult wolfhood.

Neoteny definitions


an evolutionary trend to be born earlier so that development is cut off at an earlier stage and juvenile characteristics are retained in adults of the species