Nearness in a sentence as a noun

It is the adjacence notion that defines the nearness, hence the space.

Let me see if I have this right: with a known voltage, the current will rise in proportion to the nearness of the penny?

The former is based on social network, as in people who listen to X are likely to listen to Y. This could explain nearness of disimilar artists.

All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance, All our ignorance brings us nearer to death, But nearness to death no nearer to God.

I put career first when I was younger ... wish someone had told me that nearness to the people you love should be a critical factor in the place where you live.

"Nearly zero" does not equal other "nearly zero" - most "nearly zero" effects are with very, very different nearness to zero.

Do you really want to watch the foreplay of a couple, naked but under a warm blanket, talking about how their day went or the frustrations at work while enjoying the nearness of each other?

Instead of Google's back-link information, instead of Aardvark's social graph nearness algorithm, HNsearch could be a search based in the level of intellect contained in the links, and discussions.

History in the makingWith the deep, unconscious sigh which not even the nearness of the telescreen could prevent him from uttering when his day's work started, Winston pulled the speakwrite towards him, blew the dust from its mouthpiece, and put on his spectacles.

Its nearness to the equator makes it ideally placed for launches into geostationary transfer orbit as few changes have to be made to a satellite’s trajectory.> Launchers also profit from the ‘slingshot’ effect, that is the energy created by the speed of the Earth’s rotation around the axis of the Poles.

However, see the k-means++ algorithm for a clever initialization scheme that gets you within a good constant factor of the global maximum.- The best way to pick K is to fit the algorithm with a range of K and see which K seems to give the best application performance.- It is "your job" in creating the feature space to ensure that feature-space nearness corresponds to application-space nearness.

Nearness definitions


the spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance; "the sudden closeness of the dock sent him into action"

See also: closeness