Navel in a sentence as a noun

It's too much navel-gazing to suit my sense of pride.

It encouraged me to navel-gaze far too much.

The fact it occurred on her navel doesn't mean 'yes'.By all accounts she was at least tipsy, if not outright drunk.

I wasn't aware until now that "city planning" was so much marxist navel gazing.

In America, you can wank off trying to navel gaze whilst doing your degree in some ******** and then eventually can be comfortable living your life working in a coffee shop.

Why or why not?If we're going to spend any time on utterly vacuous navel-gazing like this ... I think we ought to at least agree first on a useful definition for the thing we're trying to discuss.

And drinking out of someones navel is a bodily undertaking involving visual, physical stimuli and smell, which transports very powerful hormonal agents.

The coverage now is mostly those meta, "Inside Baseball" kind of stories -- where they aren't talking about the technology, they're talking about the personalities, the stupid feuds, oh and all that insipid Valley navel-gazing...

I'll quote you again: >I found it troubling that as the liberal arts came into the modern age, I think they became more and more irrelevant to describing and enriching the world: philosophy, once a guide for humanity into the frontiers of law, ethics, science, has become a circus of irrelevant navel gazing; high-music became random and unpleasant fist slamming; literature because trite political regurgitation or stream-of-consciousness vomitus...Which philosophers are you accusing of navel gazing?

Navel definitions


a scar where the umbilical cord was attached; "you were not supposed to show your navel on television"; "they argued whether or not Adam had a navel"; "she had a tattoo just above her bellybutton"

See also: umbilicus bellybutton omphalos omphalus


the center point or middle of something; "the Incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe"