Bellybutton in a sentence as a noun

Smurk reply just to shrug off the fact you are only looking to your own bellybutton.

Go watch the movie "It's a wonderful life", examine your bellybutton more privately for a bit, get laid or drunk or loose. Come back fresh.

My mum sent me a shirt for my birthday, it hits my bellybutton. The new trend of fast fashion isn't an improvement, it's turned it into a race to the bottom.

I guess you could communicate with me by pushing my bellybutton, but I wouldn't be 100% sure what you were trying to say.

Bellybutton definitions


a scar where the umbilical cord was attached; "you were not supposed to show your navel on television"; "they argued whether or not Adam had a navel"; "she had a tattoo just above her bellybutton"

See also: navel umbilicus omphalos omphalus