Nativity in a sentence as a noun

I sense a lot of nativity in this post.

Deploying nativity on the JVM is a pretty big deal.

"If the nativity to you is nothing more than a fairytale, how do you handle Christmas?

I think your nativity makes you miss a few problems simply because they never cross your path.

You realise the ignorance and nativity in this statement?

In this case they are guilty of naivety perhaps, but it's nativity born of desperation.

What's frightening about the nativity in Atwood's post is that his basic assumption is that the more people know the worse it is.

The point is that "UI nativity" means things like "checkmarks in checkboxes should appear in the same way across all applications".

Christmas is based of the nativity fairy tale, but it's also based of solstice celebrations found in any cultures.

But that is almost completely orthogonal to the issue of nativity.

I suspect for most people that level of nativity doesn't materially affect their business though.

Never mind things like souls, nativity myths, etc. Now imagine dog breeders going digital and creating new dog breeds digitally before planting an embryo.

It kind of feels - in my mathematical nativity - that there must be a general way to reduce all higher n down to the proof given for n=4 rather like Euler solved the Königsberg problem.

"UI nativity" is basically a way for design snobs to feel like they're making a contribution by whining about something trivial and irrelevant.

I think the "high profile people" are not afraid of the robotic entity being nativity good or evil rather the affect the AI device has on humanity being detrimental to overall human advancement.

Nativity definitions


the event of being born; "they celebrated the birth of their first child"

See also: birth nascency nascence


the theological doctrine that Jesus Christ had no human father; Christians believe that Jesus's birth fulfilled Old Testament prophecies and was attended by miracles; the Nativity is celebrated at Christmas

See also: Nativity