Solstice in a sentence as a noun

That's with over 8 hours of daylight on the winter solstice.

"The Winter solstice was also, perhaps, a time to honour the dead.

Looking at the sun did me in the first time I crossed the Tropic of Cancer near the Northern Hemisphere summer solstice.

Christmas is based of the nativity fairy tale, but it's also based of solstice celebrations found in any cultures.

Shameless discrimination against pagans/druids/witches/misc hippies: "solstice" gets no special graphic.

For Stonehenge, the special day is the summer solstice, when the Sun rises in perfect alignment with several of the stones, signaling the change of season.

Stonehenge is interesting because its alignment is specific to the solstice so anyone digging it up can see that it was built for a purpose.

You ever wonder why harvest festivals and winter solstice festivals are so widespread in disparate cultures?

He doesn't say it has to be natural cane sugar grown on the sunny side of a hill and harvested by certified sugar cane naturalists during the summer solstice.

Solstice definitions


either of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator