Napkin in a sentence as a noun

The napkin crowd believe they have specs. They do not have specs; they have napkins.

Their icon is not of paper, but of a napkin style rendering of "53".

This is a quick and dirty, back of the napkin calculation.

I don't like the sniffy tone in the conclusion:> But its important to note what these napkin projects/test are not.

How many accountants would loose their jobs if taxes could be done in five minutes on the back of a napkin?

I know that my sisters and mom could not afford to use napkins because paying for the school fees was more important.

A tech company which only exists as a napkin held between two hungry young men with no asset other than a gleam in their eye gets a notional value of $250k+ on day one.

How is carrying all that fuel used in landing up to space more efficient than, say, a parachute?I'm assuming someone at Space X did at least some back of the napkin math, but color me skeptical.

Many, many people have signed a contract on the basis of a napkin pitch before -- for example, approximately every consulting engagement ever.

"According to Sumathi Dharmalingam, a housewife who runs a napkin-making business based around the machine, rural women [snipped] have a *****-may-care attitude about their health.

'She's basically asking these women to use napkins instead of "dirty rags, newspapers, dried leaves, or even ashes".I'm looking at it through the lens of someone born in India, who has lived in India, whose parents still live in India, but who no longer does.

Napkin definitions


a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap in order to protect clothing

See also: serviette


garment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist; worn by infants to catch excrement

See also: diaper nappy