Myoglobin in a sentence as a noun

The red stuff in beef and other red meat isn't blood, it's myoglobin.

Fyi, the red juice that comes out of meat isn't blood, it's mostly myoglobin/water

In blood, heme lives in a protein called hemoglobin; in muscle, it's in myoglobin.

For diving mammals, most of the oxygen is carried in the muscles by myoglobin.

The red, translucent juices that come out of a burger or steak are red for the same reason the meat itself is red: myoglobin.

They have myoglobin, which is similar to the hemoglobin found in blood, but different.

Meat that you buy in a store, including ground beef, doesn't have blood in it. The red color is almost entirely myoglobin, not so much hemoglobin.

Wut?it’s not blood, “it's myoglobin, the protein that delivers oxygen to an animal's muscles.

Obviously, the fake meat doesn't have a blood analog, but it does have a myoglobin analog, which is what causes the juices secreted by real meat to be red.

There's an amazing paper about this that then uses myoglobin sequence to infer the diving abilities of extinct mammals.

The major harm of myoglobin is to the kidneys, not the brain, and I'm quite certain that CBD does not help this.>CBD is non-psychoactive and doesn't even act in the brainCBD acts in the brain.

The myoglobin substitute, leghemoglobin, that they put in the Impossible Burger will make it look more like real meat, which will visually appeal to people who like meat.

Evolution of mammalian diving capacity traced by myoglobin net surface charge.

[1]I'm not in general willing to be a guinea pig for genetic manipulation, but toothed whale myoglobin and being able to dive with empty lungs for half an hour or 45 minutes?

Myoglobin definitions


a hemoprotein that receives oxygen from hemoglobin and stores it in the tissues until needed