Multicoloured in a sentence as an adjective

'I could see was my pain as a sore spot on a multicoloured "wall".

To be honest the sort of mail that's multicoloured / multifont / etc.

Those first ~15 issues looked like a rainbow; multicoloured post-it notes fanning out from three sides.

Arguably Google started this trend - it had a multicoloured logo, their head office was called a "campus", they had beanbags, etc.

The experience was incredible, quite enlightening, despite the fact that most of what I could see was my pain as a sore spot on a multicoloured "wall".

Either you reduce your scan-through rate because people don't know that your multicoloured blob is actually a QR code, or you have to explicitly state "this is a QR code, you can scan it".

'All other stimuli forming you dissipated, so then you were seeing a flat representation, or screen, a map of your body and then perceived the spot radiating pain as a multicoloured spot on the wall/screen?

Good idea: express complex concepts in simple forms that children understand: multicoloured alligators that die when they eat other alligators or alligator eggs and then the eggs that they previously laid hatch, resulting in alligators that are the same color as the...Wait I'll start again...

Multicoloured definitions


having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"

See also: motley calico multicolor multi-color multicolour multi-colour multicolored multi-colored multi-coloured painted