Multi-coloured in a sentence as an adjective

On a whim, I recently updated my LinkedIn picture to a photo of myself in a multi-coloured clown wig.

The multi-coloured gradient example on the Instagram app seems a bit odd to me. Are they really going to change the colours of the company brand depending on the context of the product/brand it's being used with?

I too have many fond memories of Knoppix I discovered it in the 11th grade; I remember being mesmerised by the rows of multi-coloured console text at boot up with that cool rotating carat and all the badass software it came default with- like ettercap and Wireshark.. What a script kiddie I was, lol.

Multi-coloured definitions


having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"

See also: motley calico multicolor multi-color multicolour multi-colour multicolored multi-colored multicoloured painted