Motivator in a sentence as a noun

Money can be useful for that too, but mostly as a tool, it's not my main motivator.

As someone wise told me once, "Money is not a motivator, but lack of money is a de-motivator.

The results are well known, in the mechanical task, money was an effective motivator.

It's amazing how much of a psychological motivator a bar filling up is.

While a lot of graduate students won't outright admit it, I get the feeling this is a big motivator for a lot of people "delaying the real world".

I'm not a pathological case, but I've done things that would make some people cringe.- Seeing people successfully live frugally can be a motivator to follow in their path.

But Malaysia gave them a 12 month tax break, and was already cheaper than Australia, so environmental laws don't appear to be the main motivator.

Malevolent curiosity is a powerful motivator having nothing to do with money or measurable personal benefit.

He particularly rejected intrinsic motivation, which is pretty much everything anyone ever wants out of their employees, in favor of the extrinsic motivators, which creates this arms race known as the hedonic treadmill [3], where employers would have to offer more and more motivators in order to keep interest.

Motivator definitions


a positive motivational influence

See also: incentive inducement