Motherliness in a sentence as a noun

Instead of showcasing the literature that leads to the insight you just show the quote, or instead of cultivating the "Metta" like qualities of motherliness or charitability through travel or charity or some other serious endeavour rooted in reality you just surround yourself with "cute" things, - or sexy things or big-strong-man things that elicit the most basic skinner box like responses from pics of "boob", "tiny mouse", "big explosion" instead of indulging in more "subtle" and sophisticated arts, literature and iconography. Also interesting is the fact that industrial farming is "unholy" in the same way as "cute-porn".

Motherliness definitions


the quality of having or showing the tenderness and warmth and affection of or befitting a mother; "the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children"

See also: maternalism maternity