Mortician in a sentence as a noun

Your old body will be promptly picked up by a certified mortician.

Not sure about mortician tbh. What is the ideal mortician?

The bastards get paid way too much and if they don't want to deal with their patients complaining they should have become a mortician.

That's like a mortician responding to a report about someone being found with dead bodies at their house and arrested.

Then again, theyve got at least one flight instructor[1] and one person studying to become a mortician[2], so Im sure this will work out just fine.

For a pedestrian it doesn't matter whether you have "right of way", because you can be right a hundred times over and still go to a mortician.

Interesting article; no doubt there are some interesting things to learn about death from a mortician - however this article felt way too long.

Would you recommend a depressed person pursue becoming a mortician, skydiving instructor, or prison guard just because they wanted to?

Just a few days ago I read a mortician was told that 3 dead had coranavirus but only the death certificate of only 1 mentiond coranavirus.

We have a words like mortician which is a person who cares for the dead, mortgage which is a plan to **** you debt, rigor mortis which is the stiffness of death and mortal which means subject to death.

And who knows what hair would have looked like after all that exposure and who knows what kind of treatment done by the mortician, so I can't assign too much significance to what amounts to a few anecdotal reports from some funeral attendees, and not even all funeral attendees.

At the open-casket funeral for the first five victims, relatives saw the combination of five days of winter sunburn in those days before sunscreen, and the mortician's effort to cover up frostbite and a full month of exposure to the elements, and described it as a strange orange color; though others described it simply as a deep tan, which is consistent with reasonable expectations.

Mortician definitions


one whose business is the management of funerals

See also: undertaker