Monotonic in a sentence as an adjective

In terms of use cases, there are plenty of analytically datasets that are strictly monotonic.

A monotonic bloom program is one in which every delivery order for a given set of messages results in the same state.

It would be nice if it were somewhat monotonic: bright colour = more migration, darker/duller colour = less migration, dark grey = no migration.

> My view of technology and progress is that it's nearly monotonic in "goodness"...I think this is pretty naive or at the least, a simplistic way of viewing technology.

The superclass linearization was fixed to be monotonic.

If I remember correctly, at the time this was written, there were some pretty big outages and failures that originated from apps assuming time was pretty much a linear monotonic value.

*As long as you avoid virtualization, turn off all power-saving features, and your "soft real time" can tolerate non-monotonicity on the sub-microsecond scale, you should be safe.

In other words, how big is the result space?Well, one way to think about this is noticing that this is a bijection of the problem of finding the number of monotonic paths in an N x M grid, where N = 1,000,000 and M = 100,000,000.

The basic idea is that if code is logically monotonic, meaning the set of facts it operates on continues to grow over time, then it will obey eventual consistency properties.

I presume you are in Tokyo, where the culture is at least somewhat mitigated by the presence of foreign nationals and their foreign employees, but as I'm sure you know, things get pretty monotonic when you step out into the other major cities.

Monotonic definitions


of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value

See also: monotone


sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch; "the owl's faint monotonous hooting"

See also: flat monotone monotonous