Monism in a sentence as a noun

The best frameworks, by my own judgement, involve some sort of neutral monism.

I've only ever seen US folks try to get into the Berne convention and monism/dualism.

A monism works beautifully, as long as its basic assumptions are true.

Unfortunately, the converse is true - a monism cannot detect whether its axioms are true or not.

Do you believe in Cartesian dualism, or atomic monism?

We can't reduce that to philosophical beliefs about dualism or monism without serious harm to the original practices.

> Christianity, lest it be forgotten, is a metaphysical monism where it is the obligation of every Christian to love every aspect of creationThis is fundamentally incorrect.

"Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that all phenomena, including mental phenomena and consciousness, are the result of material interactions.

I urge you to re-read the post you're replying to, since it's actually a lot more complicated than you think.- There's nothing even ~close~ to neurobiological evidence for subjective experience - Nothing has changed in 6 thousand years, we know as much about god, time, and subjectivity as we do todayYou ~think~ that dualism is impossible but you don't understand monism.

The article talks about a philosophical concept called "dual-aspect monism" which, in the author's interpretation, basically means that everything we think of as physical/material has some kind of consciousness, and that our own consciousness emerges somehow from the interactions of the elementary consciousnesses of the particles in our brains.

Monism definitions


the doctrine that reality consists of a single basic substance or element