Monatomic in a sentence as an adjective

You need a tube with appropriate monatomic gases and a way of exciting it.

I thought the primary reason for using a monatomic gas was it would allow the heads to fly closer to the metal.

Plus helium, being monatomic, is able to jam into tinier holes than things like oxygen, nitrogen, or water vapour.

According to this definition, noble gas atoms are considered molecules as they are monatomic molecules.

Yes, the opiate addiction is a temporary setback, but improvement is almost never monatomic in every population subset.

"Unique" would need to be nailed down to test that statement, and runs into some observational problems in that atoms exist and can be found in things like monatomic gasses in enormous enough quantities that you can wash out any contributions from other matter.

Monatomic definitions


of or relating to an element consisting of a single atom; "helium and argon are monatomic gases"

See also: monoatomic