Modernize in a sentence as a verb

And grab a few mods to modernize the experience[1].0.

We wanted to modernize them, to improve their lives, not to destroy them.

Show me the path to get the VA to modernize their forms and applications.

Even c++ seems to be attempting to modernize with the new additions to it's spec.

Nobody could afford to go modernize Tk also, it was easier to just get all the apps on one or two toolkits.

Why does modernize mean not supporting a terminal interface?

It's actually even more wrong, since it casts a pall over everyone else trying to modernize the economics of textbooks.

That's unsurprising, since Golang's charter was to modernize C/C++, and DNS is essentially an expression of 1980's C code style.

I think long-term we need to modernize our regulations to accommodate these advances.

Its an old media company again demonstrating that they are unable, or unwilling, to modernize.

Sure, it's just his style, but it's hard to be optimistic about how much buy-in he'll get for his plan "to re-do the introductory curriculum in Computer Science to modernize it".

The former is significantly skewed by the rural-to-urban migration of India and China as they rapidly modernize.

If a country is a bit backwards, with the right set of leadership, they can very quickly modernize, becoming extremely important economically and geopolitically in ~30 years when starting almost from scratch.

If Google does it right, maybe it'll force OS developers to wake up and rethink the increasingly clunky and antiquated BSD sockets API that is the source of many of TCP's woes and finally modernize the network stack for the fiber era.

Modernize definitions


make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to; "You should overhaul your car engine"; "overhaul the health care system"

See also: overhaul modernise


become technologically advanced; "Many countries in Asia are now developing at a very fast pace"; "Viet Nam is modernizing rapidly"

See also: modernise develop