Commissar in a sentence as a noun

If you want to move to Oregon to live on a commune, no capitalist commissar is there to stop you.

You got to be the commissar of an industry and you had to centrally manage the economy.

What if the workers actually controlled the factory and not a commissar sent by central planning?

I can do a lot more about my worries about getting a job than I can about worries about the opinion of my local commissar.

This an interesting example, but other photo processing techniques can really make the "commissar vanish" and jack up the creepy factor.

"And this is why your major accomplishments are being a professor at a third-tier school like Syracuse, and being a commissar and hack for a think tank funded by the Olins, ExxonMobil etc.

In Communist times organizations used to have a commissar figure that monitored people for "incorrect" political opinions.

I also don't trust my goverment to use the keys only for good purpose, recently in Spain a commissar was paying girls to have sexual contact with influential people to get information about politiceans.

Commissar definitions


an official of the Communist Party who was assigned to teach party principles to a military unit