Misplace in a sentence as a verb

But we should also check the assumptions that led us to misplace our trust.

'Loose' is the opposite of 'tight'; to 'lose' is to misplace, which is the word you were going for.

Say I was to misplace $1 ... I probably wouldn't notice.

The next time I misplace my keys or forget to pay taxes on time, I'll be more forgiving of myself.

It had a commandline out of the box, and not some watered down, misplace all the system files version either.

By using a remote VM, I get access to a more powerful machine that is backed up daily, and I won't misplace.

I appreciate the irony of being outraged about someone else's misplace outrage.

What happens when you misplace a tag, and it's around 1995, is that browsers somehow parse it anyway without complaining, rendering the page anyway.

I would marry someone I trusted to death and beyondOf course, but as a rational being you ought to understand you are fallible, and may occasionally misplace trust, no?

That is, it typically applies to the notion of risk in the investment itself, not the risk that the intermediary or exchange will simply "misplace" your investment or your cash.

Isn't that why operating systems let you make separate password protected profiles?Firefox does the same btw except they offer a master password, but what happens when you misplace that password?

$100 would probably catch my eye, but is that only because my total wealth is a few orders of magnitude above that?The question is if I commanded say, $10 billion, could I just as carelessly misplace say, $10,000 as I currently can with $1.

I, however, am getting increasingly uncomfortable with Google sitting in my living room, and am increasingly tempted to escort them politely but firmly to the door and then deliberately misplace their address.

Misplace definitions


place (something) where one cannot find it again; "I misplaced my eyeglasses"

See also: mislay lose


place or position wrongly; put in the wrong position; "misplaced modifiers"