Misappropriate in a sentence as a verb

That's why they get angry at people who misappropriate their views.

You can't steal, misappropriate, or abuse what doesn't exist in the first place.

It's easy to call out the cynics who misappropriate and obfuscate words for their own gain.

But you'd vastly reduce the fear that your work is floating out there for someone to misappropriate.

At the end of the day though it's important to note that the people who misappropriate the "MVP" name would likely fail in one way or another regardless.

...Otherwise, it is still an attempt to misappropriate money by deception, and is plainly both unlawful and illegal.

How can they have legal standing for such a claim, unless one of the authors had privileged access to Wolfram Research knowledge to misappropriate a trade secret?

Don't look for "clever" ways to misappropriate other parts of the syntax in order to appeal to your own personal minimalist aesthetic taste.

Intellectual property laws steal and misappropriate property - not protect it!

In other words a dishonest exchange operator could misappropriate your dollar deposits and this scheme wouldn't tell you anything about it.

Otherwise, your ex-boss could make the argument that you "stole" or misappropriate company confidential information.

The main point I was trying to make is that while testing MVP fashion is an incredibly useful way of collecting feedback, it's often misappropriate as a way to ship half-baked or poorly thought out products/features.

Carriers that decommoditize best-effort communications to misappropriate others' value should be taken to court for fraudulently advertising "Internet" access, and the colors of radio waves they enjoy a government-granted "public interest" monopoly on should be put to better use.

> How can they have legal standing for such a claim, unless one of the authors had privileged access to Wolfram Research knowledge to misappropriate a trade secret?The absence of legal standing obviously is something that can be raised once a lawsuit is underway, but it doesn't prevent the threat of a lawsuit, and many organizations will knuckle under to the threat of a lawsuit from a wealthy opponent just to avoid the expense of consulting with lawyers if there isn't a big cost in avoiding the lawsuit.

Misappropriate definitions


appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use; "The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family"

See also: embezzle defalcate peculate malversate