Misapplication in a sentence as a noun

There are real-world problems that get in the way here, but that's a misapplication of the spec.

"When your only tool is a hammer..."I really feel like this is a misapplication of a blockchain.

Ah, yet another misapplication of the "Turing completeness" idea.

You're looking at a misapplication of a plotting technique - a scatterplot with substantial overplotting.

Hilarity ensues as her confusion of the misapplication of the equals sign from math is later mistakenly attributed to a grasp of immutability.

They deliberate together, and so nullification is effectively impossible at this stage as the professional judge can set aside a majority decision by the two lay judges voting together if their decision is a clear misapplication of the law.

Misapplication definitions


wrong use or application


the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else

See also: embezzlement peculation defalcation misappropriation