Misanthropic in a sentence as an adjective

If their misanthropy affects their job choose people who are less misanthropic.

And it was only because they promptly responded that I didnt feel any sort of misanthropic dispair.

So if it does turn out to be misanthropic, perhaps my pessimism about humanity will be partly to blame.

Let's just hope this doesn't get renamed to "Revisions" by some misanthropic, overzealous HN invisimod.

This is an excessively cynical, misanthropic view of events.

Quite the glib and misanthropic response, not to mention the value you measure is based upon imagination and a strawman.

Apart from the impracticality of this advice, I found it strangely misanthropic.

The idea of false consciousness is one of the most misanthropic and illiberal ideas of the 20th century.

I have no need to classify them as "evil", but extremely selfish, greedy, misanthropic, or sociopathic would suffice.

The collective response is naturally quite defensive and misanthropic.

Regarding this quote: "Ive lived in a country that had a period of 'full employment' and now has 14% unemployment, and I dont see how anyone can be so misanthropic to claim that those 14% of people just got lazier.

He was described as "remote, coldly aloof, ruthless aristocrat, living in lonely magnificence, disdaining the common people... an exceptional man, a lone wolf whose strength and courage could be looked up to, but at the same time had to be feared; an eccentric, misanthropic genius whose haughty bearing, cold eye and steely reserve made it impossible to like or trust him." [Interesting anecdote: He had all the walls of his penthouse office at the Tribune covered with dark wood, including the door, so that after your meeting ended, you would have great difficulty finding the door to get back out, suffering under his humiliating gaze.

Misanthropic definitions


believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others

See also: cynical misanthropical


hating mankind in general

See also: misanthropical