Miraculous in a sentence as an adjective

It's truly miraculous that it even took off at all, and the developers are still trying to fix the issues that Satoshi unknowingly introduced.

The public reads about a medical research project that announces unbelievable results for a miraculous drug.

Every year, many such investigations are conducted, and the vast majority find that nothing miraculous has occurred.

No matter how miraculous and marvelous the advances that have happened though, society will have managed to consider them mundane and probably inevitable.

Here we have more evidence of the miraculous ability of crypto currencies to turn unassuming computer programmers into economics experts.

Homeostatic mechanisms are able to insure that, a good deal of the time, weight does not fluctuate much with changes in diet this might be said to be the true "miraculous metabolic effect" but it is subject to many exceptions.

This fact would have seemed to him a sheer impossibility ... Our modern power of easy reckoning with decimal fractions is the almost miraculous result of the gradual discovery of a perfect notation.

What I think is especially touching about this is how he gently deconstructs his success, demystifying his own legend by pulling back the curtain on what would have otherwise appeared to be a string of miraculous accomplishments.

Miraculous definitions


being or having the character of a miracle

See also: marvelous marvellous


peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention; "a heaven-sent rain saved the crops"; "a providential recovery"

See also: heaven-sent providential