Milliard in a sentence as a noun

Nah, it's a thousand million, a milliard in other words.

There are other rules with other exceptions for cent, mille, million, milliard.

In Polish, there's one standard: million, milliard, billion.

In germany the step size is twice as large; million, milliard, billion, billiard, etc.

Area of the single forestry, let's say in small Latvia is around 30 000 ha. 1Bn, I assume, is EU milliard.

In long scale it's million, milliard, billion, billiard, trillion, trilliard etc.

In the long scale, it's like this: 10^3 = thousand 10^6 = million 10^9 = milliard 10^12 = billion 10^15 = billiard 10^18 = trillionSo there are 10^18/10^6 = 10^12 millions in a trillion.

2mmm is instantly recognised as 2 10 ^ 12, or 2 billion by Americans, or 2 milliard by Europeans.

> Not to mention that a Danish "billion" is not the same as a US "billion".Google correctly translates the Danish original "milliard" to the US "billion".

By the way, 1 billion = 1 milliardI was very confused since only the USA, Canada and the UK use 1 billion = 1 milliard instead of 1 billion = 1k billiard

In British English "billion" originally meant "a million million" a la French "milliard", but has shifted to America "thousand million".

Milliard definitions


a billion; "in England they call one thousand million a milliard"