Interminable in a sentence as an adjective

The wait for secure SR-IOV might be interminable.

They feel interminable and it feels like at least half the channels have commercials playing at any given time.

Others have been boring as **** and there's no way I'm going to spend an interminable extra 30-60 minutes making small talk with them.

Not only does Clarke spend the interminable first part of the story in crude exposition'Surely you mean two!

There's a huge amount of power packed in those interminable lists of methods and properties... So much power inevitably comes with a few quirks.

It chugs horribly on even high end hardware because of Java's interminable GC pauses getting in the way of interactive response times.

The interminable Free/free/Libre/"free as in freedom, not as in beer" comes to mind- sometimes jargon or switching words is better, so you don't confuse people not already in the conversation.

If not you end up with the online interminable debate -- there's no judge on Usenet/Slashdot/HN to end the debate.- Conventional enterprise email tools hinder discussion.

There are occasional blobs of 'rationality', but nothing like Ayn Rand's interminable philosophical passages.

In representing content streams as infinite, publishers are simply mimicking the interminable reality of that activity.

Interminable definitions


tiresomely long; seemingly without end; "endless debates"; "an endless conversation"; "the wait seemed eternal"; "eternal quarreling"; "an interminable sermon"

See also: endless eternal