Mile in a sentence as a noun

The "last half mile" of transit, as it were.

The closest call I ever had, the storm was 15 miles away.

I once was watching a storm that was cranking away about 10 miles off.

Per mile, truckers drive far more safely than the typical driver.

I finally get a call with one of the partners; I'm supposed to start a 3,000 mile move the next day.

Go door to door to every ******* office park in a 5 mile radius and take some sales.

Our summers were spent playing chess in a nearby mango orchard or the graveyard a mile away.

To be able to know that in 15 mile an hour wind, with your ball half buried by sand, and water in front of the green, how would one hit that shot?

If I put my price on the item then the fact that there is a wall mart 2 miles left of here and sells it for 1/2 what I do will be painfully apparent.

One thing I just discovered is that the tires, 21" super-soft compound high-performance Michelins, only last 20,000 miles and cost $2900 to replace.

There is an interesting unbalance because Comcast has so much leverage by owning the last mile, they can push around Tier 1 providers.

But can we build a multi-hundred mile long steel tube to the required tolerances?I would be inclined to trade off efficiency for manufacturability.

As another commenter said, "Osama bin Laden's legacy lives on with every traveler being herded through body scanners, with every illegal search in our 120-mile-radius Constitution-free zones, and with every warrantless wiretap.

Mile definitions


a unit of length equal to 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet; exactly 1609.344 meters


a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude

See also: knot


a large distance; "he missed by a mile"


a former British unit of length once used in navigation; equivalent to 6,000 feet (1828.8 meters)


a former British unit of length equivalent to 6,080 feet (1,853.184 meters); 800 feet longer than a statute mile


an ancient Roman unit of length equivalent to 1620 yards


a Swedish unit of length equivalent to 10 km


a footrace extending one mile; "he holds the record in the mile"