Mildew in a sentence as a noun

I've seen a lot of mildewed hay in my life.

That thing must be reeking of mold and mildew.

No matter how much we cleaned it it smelled like mildew.

If nothing else, it takes a while for wet towels to get mildew.

My nose is tired of the mildew smell from when they wicked up moisture from the basement floor.

They collect water in the bottom, the paint chips, and the yellow piece of rubber often have mildew.

Even in a dry climate, it will eventually get mold and mildew building up inside.

I seriously doubt my health is unaffected by the mold, mildew, vermin, etc.

Mildew in a sentence as a verb

Maybe it doesn't dry enough to remove all moisture, and there's mold/mildew in some of the rubber areas, like what happens in washers.

If the air inside is cold and humid you may want a dehumidifier, it will save heating costs and reduce mold and mildew.

>> Why are tents such a bad thing?Fire hazards, mold and mildew, there's no real security, they are probably left behind creating a garbage problem...

Also, adding good insulation without degrading indoor air quality and causing moisture/mildew problems is tricky.

I grant that many of them are not probably up to the standards Americans are used to, but the mildew from the tropical climate and various other factors conspire to make things look worse than they are, I bet.

I picture you going "downstairs", your wooden steps creaking as you go down, past the various two-decade old metal cans of cleaning/household lubricating products on a shelf, into your computer room, with the wood paneling on the walls, the small basement window with the hand-crank, the slight smell of mildew and dryer sheets...

It's an umbrella that folds the other way...Sure, maybe the outside of it while folded won't "press up against your leg, soaking your trousers and bag and drips on the already wet floor", but this means the water stays trapped on the inside of the folded creases, leading to mildew and a musty smell, and the rest still "drips on the already wet floor".I don't see this thing taking the world by storm anytime soon.

Mildew definitions


the process of becoming mildewed

See also: mold mould


a fungus that produces a superficial (usually white) growth on organic matter


become moldy; spoil due to humidity; "The furniture molded in the old house"

See also: mold