Humid in a sentence as an adjective

It's extremely humid, though not quite as bad as the gulf coast.

It's great for me out here in Phnom Penh, would be too hot/humid for most folks in the long run, but suits me perfectly.

It rained something like 3 times last summer, and the rest of the time it was 75-85 degrees without being too humid.

Heck, I can stand still in humid 90 degree heat in the sun, and be drenched after twenty minutes.

Still have it, use it every day, use it in the bathroom where it is subject to hot and humid conditions.

Or the humid air which has been evaporatively cooled by a fountain or rich foliage?

29°C at 30% humidity is very different from 29°C at 90% humidity.

Depending on what a person is allergic to, DE-humidifying may be the way to go. Dust mite allergies, for example, will be worse for a person who lives in a humid room.

>but maybe it's because they have 50,000 other ways to determine temperature and humidity at their current location.

What made it atrocious is that the thing had no windows or ventilation, bad water drainage and it is in the middle of the rain forest region: hot, humid and moldy; the perfect breeding place for respiratory diseases.

If the air seems to be more humid today, that's because PR guys everywhere are salivating for how much play they could get with "We investigated the BBB, found shenanigans, and got it explicitly committed to paper that they wanted to crush us for having found shenanigans and talked publicly about them.

Humid definitions


containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor; "humid air"; "humid weather"