Microdot in a sentence as a noun

I've had two bikes stolen, both correctly registered in every relevant registry and one with microdots. Not a word.

Or a microdot on playing cards distributed to communist countries. .

Current laws that put microdot detection in color scanners will not deter huge resources to counterfeiting like state backed operations. But they do prevent the local meth junkie down the road from making a bunch of fake 20's to get his next fix.

#1 feature should be allowing the insertion of microdot patterns of your choice. Whenever I hear of dubious 'features' like this, I dream of seeing them backfire on one of their supporters. Say, next time there's a leak, the microdots show the source to be a printer in the White House.

How do you know the hardware you use doesn't have a microdot that can bypass the monitoring logic and physically manipulate the radio without the OS's consent? How do you know the software you're running doesn't embed its own bluetooth stack and use a 0-day exploit to gain physical control over the radio?

Printer microdot steganography. Traffic and license plate cameras.

Obviously this is sci-fi speculative, but anybody else think: this is exactly the kind of fusion you'd want if you were trying to modify internal combustion engines to run on fusion :P instead of injecting diesel, you pump cold water & laser a microdot of deuterium nanowire , bam! sweet zero emissions powerstroke.

And considering how we're regularly reminded that laser printers leave tiny microdot patterns that allow the identification of which individual unit printed something, what makes you think voters could not be persuaded to believe the same thing about ballots, regardless of the fact that they're produced by offset lithography? Most people already live in a world where the technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Microdot definitions


photograph reduced to the size of a dot (usually for purposes of security)