Metamorphic in a sentence as an adjective

Not to mention metamorphic and polymorphic malware, which is getting more and more common and runs circles around modern AV software.

The concept of metamorphic testing sounds incredibly fruitful.

Looks like there is significant overlap between metamorphic testing an property based testing.

These include light-colored volcanic rocks, granites, dark shales, sedimentary rocks that contain phosphate, and metamorphic rocks derived from these rocks.

Has metamorphic testing been exploited for property-based testing?

There's a related technique called metamorphic testing where the insight is that the only part of the program being compiled that matters is the part that will be executed to compute that differentiating output.

I only mentioned it briefly at the end of the post, but metamorphic testing is a very interesting technique that addresses exactly this [0].The basic idea is to start with some known-good inputs and outputs, and then generate ways to modify the input that should not change the output.

Metamorphic definitions


of or relating to metamorphosis (especially of rocks); "metamorphic stage"; "marble is a metamorphic rock that takes a high polish"

See also: metamorphous


characterized by metamorphosis or change in physical form or substance