Menstruate in a sentence as a verb

"we bleed when we menstruate" sounded way too weird.

"Of course, I wasn't the only one: most women menstruate.

"So they are expanding on the term menstruate.

"So the term menstruate is used to mean to "bleed outwardly like us".

And I, in turn, would blurt out, "yeah, Sarah's a girl because she doesn't menstruate.

But not all those species menstruate as noted by the article.

Half the world's population will menstruate at some point, or will stop doing so.

"To figure out the truth, we need to compare animals that do and don't menstruate.

"Clarifying the term menstruate and showing how to measure it.

Wait idgi, its not true though since "menopause aside" and women that dont menstruate.

Even among those that give birth to live young as we do, only a handful of species menstruate.

> It seems the list of animals that menstruate is quite short: humans, apes, monkeys, bats and elephant shrews.

Outside the clown world of leftist only women menstruate and cisgenderd is normal.

> basically that women menstrate¹Lots of women don't menstruate.

Many people would, out of habit or expedience, refer to "women" instead of "people who menstruate.

Other primates, such as tarsiers, may also menstruate, but there is little hard evidence.

Most of modern society freely says things like "women menstruate", and would be hopelessly confused by the idea that such a banal statement has transphobic implications.

As such, identifying the target beneficiaries as “women” or “women and girls” is counterproductive.> Post menopausal women do not menstruate.

I'm not hung up on that being "man", but I would like there to be some word to describe that aspect of myself and others.---> Just to clarify, "people who menstruate" isn't woke code for cis women to make trans women more comfortableSure, I get that.

I've been compiling a list of these things which "set us apart" from most other mammals: the "ones I'm more sure about" column contains: we can form complex vocal patterns, we walk upright, we don't tiptoe everywhere, we're essentially naked, we have large brains, we bleed when we menstruate, our causal intuitions have come detached from their immediate objects.

Menstruate definitions


undergo menstruation; "She started menstruating at the age of 11"

See also: flow