Blurt in a sentence as a verb

Check the facts before your blurt it out!1.

When you are at a dinner party and want the salt, you don't blurt out, "Gimme the salt.

It doesn't just blurt the message out, it tells you who it's from and asks if you want to hear it.

It's about how the author overcame his urge to blurt out the first compliment he could think of.

Mine's not even that high and I'd rather not blurt it out in public, so I completely agree.

If you blurt out a good approximation in the first thirty seconds, that ruins the whole courtship.

The PC troll issueI feel tempted to blurt out every emotion.

Along with the customized setting, does that mean that I can set a single default friend's list that I then blurt out to?

Yeah, these Ruby guys releasing incompatible versions every other weekend and expecting to be allowed to blurt their stuff all over the system was rather strange.

Part of the reason why the people that gave ridiculous answers got lower test scores could be that they are not in the habit of applying much effort when asked science-type questions, so they blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and move on.

A personal anecdote to demonstrate Joe's awesomeness: After hearing him give the keynote speech for Princeton's entrepreneurship conference, I was able to wiggle through the crowd of people surrounding him and blurt "Hey Joe!

By what qualifications do you even have the balls to make a flippant comment like this?> Further, let's say you are really not sure about that spanking new 20MP sensor, because it is new, you are not familiar with it, and it was not part of the plan drafted 10 years ago, why not add 1 extra camera with a 20MP sensor?You don't even sound remotely technical when you blurt out some nonsense like this.

Blurt definitions


utter impulsively; "He blurted out the secret"; "He blundered his stupid ideas"

See also: blunder ejaculate