Memoir in a sentence as a noun

The story is part of a very good publicity campaign for his book, which has been written as a memoir.

His advisor's memoir is also interesting:"So after Yitang graduated, I told him the normal way of seeking\njobs.

Maybe he smoked pot in college, and somehow, someone would remember and then make sure to write a memoir, that will make its way into the public media.

His work on the topic began around 1804 and by 1807 he had completed his important memoir On the Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodies.

You get that with literary magazines sometimes, where it's not apparent if something is fiction or memoir.

You can find lots of detail in declassified training manuals, but the most accessible sources will be memoirs from CIA/KGB operatives.

The memoir was read to the Paris Institute on 21 December 1807 and a committee consisting of Lagrange, Laplace, Monge and Lacroix was set up to report on the work.

First sentence: "OK, I suppose I really havent left Perl"It's a couple thousand word memoir, about 1/2 comprised of reasons he's not using to "leave Perl," before telling us that it's Perl people who bug him.

Forty years of ripping off other people's software, berating and humiliating his own team, buying and shutting down competitors, and impeding progress in the name of vendor lock-in, plus the newly-published "insider" memoir of his co-founder isn't enough for you?I've met Bill Gates, so I'll stick with my personal opinion.

Memoir definitions


an account of the author's personal experiences


an essay on a scientific or scholarly topic