Meld in a sentence as a noun

Could you change _____________ to meld better with ________?

And it is quite a nice meld of an uncompromising dialect of ML into an OO world.

Usually one or the other will get it right, and if you run the two results through a difference editor like 'meld', it's quick to fix.

Microsoft "seriously meld the desktop and tablet experience" and it fails.

I was thinking more in the line of fibres that meld the concepts of a coroutine and a channel into a single abstraction.

I've found a better method to be creating documents in plain text with some suitable formatting markup, and then apply a diff tool such as meld to see changes made.

Meld in a sentence as a verb

>Wouldn't a drastically more advanced intelligence just dwarf and dissolve any lesser intelligence that tried to meld with it?

Wouldn't a drastically more advanced intelligence just dwarf and dissolve any lesser intelligence that tried to meld with it?

> Microsoft were the first to seriously meld the desktop and tablet experience And were seriously unsuccessful at it.

In many cases it wasn't an issue of a reporter misunderstanding the story, but rather an issue of "let's take these facts and meld them into a more compelling story.

Master Joel wrote¹ that all abstractions are leaky, and so it is with any working system – any system needs to be a meld between hardware and software, where neither can keep its identity wholly intact.

In probable order of happening.> Wouldn't a drastically more advanced intelligence just dwarf and dissolve any lesser intelligence that tried to meld with it?Not necessarily; that's an actual research field.

Meld definitions


a form of rummy using two decks of cards and four jokers; jokers and deuces are wild; the object is to form groups of the same rank

See also: canasta


announce for a score; of cards in a card game


lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"

See also: melt


mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"