Meiosis in a sentence as a noun

Not bad, though I'm a meiosis fellow myself.

Based on how meiosis works, I can see how methylation could be passed down to offspring.

A cell has to split the chromosomes twice in meiosis to form a gamete, which is a difficult process where a lot can go wrong.

I recall being taught during high school about mitosis and meiosis, how this spindle apparatus forms, DNA strands split, etc.

If the results increase in accuracy, we may find statistical predictors for how the meiosis and sperm-race play out.

Down Syndrome itself is the duplication of all or part of chromosome 21, usually due to improper separation of chromosome pairs during meiosis.

The article mentions that the chromosome 2 cannot cross over in meiosis, but I just fail to understand the mechanics of the process and how that leads to disassortativity.

Moreover, abnormal cell divisions--a precursor to the meiosis that takes place in our own cells--could restore the merged would-be cannibals to their original single set of chromosomes."...

And even if the docs make you get snipped in exchange for the immortality treatments, by then we'll be able to induce meiosis, combine and crossover genes with another and produce offspring anyhow, for the right price.

Until we can watch, and sufficiently understand, chromosomal translocations, pairings, matching, splittings etc. during meiosis/recombination, criticism from ignorance best shut up and learn something.

While the fact that cross-over during meiosis does in fact contribute to increased genetic diversity leading to resistance to disease, parasites, and other adaptational advantages, one still needs to answer why did sexual reproduction evolve at all?

Maybe it happens that one type of sperm is disproportionately affected by acidity levels or viscosity of cervical mucous or any of potentially hundreds of attributes of the environment the sperm will be encountering between meiosis and conception, and that's assuming any differentiation happens pre-conception.

Meiosis definitions


(genetics) cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms; the nucleus divides into four nuclei each containing half the chromosome number (leading to gametes in animals and spores in plants)

See also: miosis


understatement for rhetorical effect (especially when expressing an affirmative by negating its contrary); "saying `I was not a little upset' when you mean `I was very upset' is an example of litotes"

See also: litotes