Cervical in a sentence as an adjective

No, actually, it is like saying there is a vaccine that prevents many cervical cancers.

In the vast majority of the cases it does, only a few with abnormal pap test will go on to develop cervical cancer.

Best evidence is that it has a fairly strong protective effect on ovarian cancer, but causes breast and cervical cancer.

Unlike most vaccines, including the HPV vaccine meant to prevent cervical cancer, this is not prophylactic, it's not meant to prevent cancer.

I wonder how the cervical cancer fits in, because it was ultimately traced to a virus as a trigger and then they developed a vaccine for it.

My aunt - who died slowly and painfully, wasting away from the cervical cancer that was eating away at her body - might disagree with you were she still here.

HPV is also an oncovirus, responsible for cervical cancer and very likely many oral, throat, and esophageal cancers.

But, I know that cervical cancer is highly correlated with HPV, skin cancer is highly correlated with sun exposure, stomach cancer is highly correlated with H. Pylori, and lung cancer is highly correlated with tobacco smoking.

There are several indicators that signal the beginning of this period: basal body temperature, cervical mucus consistency, and cervical position.

Uh.... Whatever you like..."Here are some quotes from a future internet forum on dentistry:"My toothgrowologist has grown me a tooth, and apparently I didn't have enough bone and gum tissue, now the root is bare and I've got cervical decay...

Like if you did a meta-analysis of a hundred experimental cancer treatments that took down detailed demographics and found that people living in certain areas of the country were more likely to develop cervical cancer or something.

Cervical definitions


of or relating to the cervix of the uterus; "cervical cancer"


relating to or associated with the neck