Matriarch in a sentence as a noun

The matriarch whistles and the pod causes waves to knock seals off of the ice.

It's worth asking if those same people would say Greece was matriarchal -- the answer is usually no.

The matriarch has all the power because women are scarce and they take on many husbands out of this need.

There are also more young Natives going to college now. Though those young educated Natives are not going to go back home and teach their 90 y/o matriarch to trust the white man..

Imo whoever made this doesn’t understand how smart and savvy the family matriarch is.

Based on both the article data and your data I can deduce that old matriarch elephants are still fertile.

A borderline abusive work environment that's policed over by the family patriarch and matriarch... that's "small stuff"?

The family I live with for a while longer went through a dozen cats in 3 litters over the first year or so I was here as the matriarch kept getting pregnant and they would never take her to the vet.

There's very strong traditional gender roles in Mongolia within households, though the women fall into a sort of loose warrior-matriarch ideal like the way we see Sparta depicted in movies.

They also have savings accounts, and pension funds because the family matriarch is a western trained banker and believes that in the absence of good governance, private individuals have to take better care of their employees livelihood.

The highly connected nodes in a social network could very easily be people who are the social equivalent of town criers rather than the social equivalent of the town mayor, or local matriarch/patriarch, who wield actual social power and validate or invalidate "what everyone knows".

If she hadn't been indoctrinated with conservative values through her religion, then maybe she'd have made a better match for my liberal father, and maybe I'd be a more well-rounded person having had grown up with a balance of matriarchal and patriarchal influences - right now I feel like something's missing.

However, I find the obsession of the various characters fascinating, the scientific obsession of the original patriach that eventually descended into madness, Colonel Buendia making little gold fishes, the incestuous natures of the whole family, some ethereal nympho character that doesn't speak a word and then one day transcend to haven much to the horror of the venerable matriarch.

Matriarch definitions


a female head of a family or tribe

See also: materfamilias


a feisty older woman with a big bosom (as drawn in cartoons)